The Jane Austen and Brontes Newsletter Issue #8 Austen and Bronte Podcasts
Over 200 years later, we can't stop talking about Austen and the Brontes!
An eon ago, it seems, on my original blog, I did a round up post of all Jane Austen and Bronte podcasts and there are a lot. Since that time, more have been released so I though it was time to do another round up!
As far as I know, the podcasts are available on all major podcast platforms.
Austen Chat JASNA’s new podcast, this discusses not only Austen and her work but also about related events and people in Austen’s time. (I really like this one!)
The Thing About Austen Billed as “Think of us as your somewhat cheeky tour guides to the life and times of Jane Austen.” the podcast is released roughly every two weeks.
The Jane Austen Podcast with Alison Larkin Larkin is a comedian and prolific narrator who breaks down Austen’s books with a humerous look. The podcast is currently going through Emma.
Bonnets at Dawn (Linked to Apple podcast but available across all major platforms.) While it’s been over a year since the last episode, BaD remains a popular podcast that began with an Austen fan and Bronte fan duking it out. The podcast has expanded to include discussions about other women authors of the 17th, 18th, 19th, and early 20th C.
The Austen Connection (Linked to their Substack but available across all major platforms.) “Our goal with the Austen Connection is to lift up and expand the range of voices contributing to conversations about Jane Austen as we explore how her stories connect to us today and connect us to each other.”
First Impressions: Why All the Austen Haters Are Wrong (Linked to Apple podcast but available across all major platforms.) “In the podcast First Impressions, hosts Kristin and Maggie hilariously discuss the brilliance of Jane Austen and how her novels give us unparalleled insight into our own lives and characters.”
The Jane Austen Podcast (Linked to Apple podcast but available across all major platforms.) Has not been updated since July 2022. “We love the novels, but what do we know about the woman who wrote them? Listen in to learn about Jane Austen's life, her family and friends, the world she lived in and so much more!”
What the Austen? “Every other week Izzy is joined by a fellow Austen enthusiast as they take a deep dive into Jane Austen's novels and characters. “
Jane Austen Bedtime Stories (Linked to Apple podcast but available across all major platforms.) “Fall asleep with the ultimate comfort bedtime stories: the works of Jane Austen! Each episode we'll read a section of Jane Austen's work aloud in a soothing voice, set to relaxation music, to help you get to sleep.” Currently reading Emma.
Pride & Prejudice Book Club “Welcome to the Pride & Prejudice Book Club Podcast, where we discuss variations, alternate universes, and fan fiction versions of Jane Austen’s masterpiece Pride & Prejudice! Enjoy a new book (and discussion) every week.”
Reclaiming Jane “A Jane Austen podcast for fans on the margins.”
Reading Jane Austen A mother and daughter duo who are reading and discussing Jane Austen one book at a time.
Behind The Glass: A Parsonage Podcast (Linked to Apple podcast but available across all major platforms.) This new podcast from Brontë Parsonage Museum takes a deep dive, and deep conversations, about the extraordinary items at the museum.
Pod and Prejudice Molly has never read Austen. Becca grew up on Austen. In each episode, the two friends do a read along of an Austen book with commentary.
Manners and Madness “Two friends, one who loves both Jane Austen and David Lynch, one who is only passingly familiar with both, explore their bodies of work and the adaptations of that work.”
Finding Jane Austen “Finding Jane Austen is a scripted podcast that seeks to uncover the historical Jane Austen. This podcast will introduce both seasoned Janeites and new readers to the life and works of Jane Austen through accessible scripted programming and interviews with top Austen scholars to recreate Jane Austen’s life and world.”
A Jane Austen Year by Jane Austen’s House.”Each month, join us on a seasonal journey through Jane Austen’s novels, the story of her life and the world she lived in. Discover scenes, letters, recipes, and objects from the museum collection, bound together with original music and sounds recorded in the House itself.” (Thanks to starry baobab for the rec!)
What Would Jane Austen Do? (Linked to Apple podcast but available across all major platforms.) Julia Golding, an author and Jane Austen fan, is joined by guests to discuss modern life through the wit and wisdom of Austen. (Thanks to starry baobab for the rec!)
The Pemberley Podcast (Linked to Apple podcast but available across all major platforms.) A podcast dedicated on reading Austen adaptations chapter by chapter. (Thanks to starry baobab for the rec!)
The Chawton House Podcast (Linked to Apple podcast but available across all major platforms.) “This series will keep you informed of what goes on at the Great House, based in the Hampshire village of Chawton, that was once home to the brother of Jane Austen, Edward Austen Knight. It will also share stories, old and new, of life in the House.” (Thanks to starry baobab for the rec!)
Wit Beyond Measure (Linked to Apple podcast but available across all major platforms.) “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a reader in possession of Austen novels must be in want of a podcast. Hosts Catrina and Elle are lit majors who love reading these books through a modern and historic lens.” Note: Has not been updated since 2022. (Thanks to starry baobab for the rec!)
If you know of any podcasts I’ve missed, let me know and I’ll update the list!
Thanks for the shout out! Excited to have you here on Substack 🌷