Jane Austen and the Brontes Issue #11 Upcoming Virtual Events for Summer 2024
Jane would unironically have her cat in her Zoom calls
Here is a list of over a dozen virtual talks and presentations on Austen and the Brontes this summer. The events are free or low cost. Check the websites for more details and to register.
June 1 JASNA Central Virginia Region present, “A New Jane Austen” with Juliette Wells of Goucher College about her latest book, A New Jane Austen: How America Brought Us the World’s Greatest Novelist. The event is free and runs from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. EST. Per the region, “The presentation will also include a sneak preview of a very exciting Austen exhibition opening in June 2025 at the Morgan Library & Museum in New York, for which Wells is the guest co-curator.
Members wishing to attend should email JASNACENVA@gmail.com by Friday, May 24, 2024, to be added to the attendee list. A Zoom link will be sent prior to the presentation.”
June 8 JASNA virtual region presents, “2023 Essay Contest Winner Katie Tencza.” The event is free. o join this free event, email jasnavirtualregion@gmail.com to request the Zoom link and time.
June 9 JASNA Puget Sound region presents, “How Twain May Have Missed Austen's Biting Humor.” The event starts at 2:00 p.m and lasts until 4:00 p.m. PST. (11 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST.) The event is free. Email jasnapsrc@gmail.com to receive the Zoom link.
June 11 Northern California JASNA region presents author Ann Kim to discuss her book Relative Strangers, a contemporary retelling of Sense and Sensibility. The event is free, on Zoom, and starts at 9:30 p.m. EST (6:30 p.m. PST). You can register here.
June 13 Jane Austen House is having a virtual book club on Mansfield Park. The event starts at 7 p.m. BST (2 p.m. EST). The event costs £6.50 ($8). For more information, visit here. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
June 13 Bronte Parsonage Museum presents, “Branwell and the Anti-hero.” The event starts at 7:30 p.m. BST (2:30 p.m. EST). It costs £5 ($6.50) and is on Zoom. The event is live and will not be recorded. (Visit here for more information and to register. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
June 13 The Eastern Pennsylvania region presents, “Leaving a Marriage, Regency Style.” The event is free and runs from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. EST. Go here to register.
June 26 Jane Austen House present a virtual guided tour. It runs from 7-8pm BST (2 - 3 p.m. EST) and costs £6.50 ($8). The event is via Zoom. Visit here for more information and to register. (Visit here for more information and to register. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
June 26 Bronte Parsonage Museum presents, “Villette vs Ruth: Charlotte Bronte and Elizabeth Gaskell” with The event starts at 7 p.m. BST (2 p.m. EST). It costs £6 ($8) and is on Zoom. The event is live and will not be recorded. Visit here for more information and to register. (Vist timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
June 29 The Southwest Florida region present, “Mansfield Park Slow Read, Vol II” (chapters 19 - 31). The event is free and on Zoom. It begins 1:00 p.m and ends at 3:00 p.m. EST. Email the region to get the Zoom link.
July 11 Jane Austen House is having a virtual book club on Emma. The event starts at 7 p.m. BST (2 p.m. EST). The event costs £6.50 ($8). For more information, visit here. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
July 13 - 15 Virtual Jane Con is an online Jane Austen event that includes talks from Regency dressing to academic insight into Jane’s world. The event is free and on YouTube. visit virtualjanecon.com for more information.
July 18 In honor of Jane Austen’s death, Jane Austen House presents a virtual guided tour. It runs from 7-8 p.m. BST (2 - 3 p.m. EST) and costs £6.50 ($8). The event is via Zoom. Visit here for more information and to register. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
July 18 The Bronte Parsonage Thursday Talk, “deconstructs the real buildings at the edge of the Brontes' imaginations... and the imagined buildings at the heart of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre.” Event starts at 7:30 p.m. BST (2:30 p.m. EST) and costs £5 ($6.50). Visit here for more information and to register. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
July 20 JASNA’s New Jersey Region presents “Dress in the Age of Jane Austen.” The event begins at 2 p.m. EST and is free. You will need to register on Zoom before the event.
July 25 The Bronte Parsonage presents a poetry workshop with Bradford poet Nabeela Ahmed. The theme will be “all things wild.” The workshop is in celebration of Emily’s birthday. Event starts at 7:30 p.m. BST (2:30 p.m. EST) and costs £5 ($6.50). Visit here for more information and to register. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
July 25 - 26 The Jane Austen Society of Aotearoa New Zealand is presenting an online talk, “The Austen Family and the Practice of Foster Care: Exploring the Evidence.” The event is free and starts at 10 p.m. July 25 (2 p.m. July 26 New Zealand Time). Go here to register. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time to your time zone.)
August 3 The Eastern Washington / North Idaho region presents “Lovers' Vows and Mansfield Park.” The event is from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. PST (11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST). The event is free and on Zoom. Go here to register and download discussion questions.
August 8 Jane Austen House is having a virtual book club on Persuasion. The event starts at 7 p.m. BST (2 p.m. EST). The event costs £6.50 ($8). For more information, visit here. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
August 15 The Bronte Parsonage presents August’s Thursday Talk “‘Unjust! Unjust!’ Depictions of Childhood in the Bronte’s Writings.” Event starts at 7:30 p.m. BST (2:30 p.m. EST) and costs £5 ($6.50). Visit here for more information and to register. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
September 12 Jane Austen House is having a virtual book club on Northanger Abbey. The event starts at 7 p.m. BST (2 p.m. EST). The event costs £6.50 ($8). For more information, visit here. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
September 12 The Bronte Parsonage presents September’s Thursday Talk “From Haworth to Hollywood.” Event starts at 7:30 p.m. BST (2:30 p.m. EST) and costs £5 ($6.50). Visit here for more information and to register. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
September 20 - 22 The Bronte Parsonage presents “Bronte Festival of Women’s Writing.” This digital pass gives you access to all nine talks from the festival. The talks will be available for a month. The digital pass costs £30 ($40). Visit here for more information and to register.
October 10 The Bronte Parsonage presents October’s Thursday Talk “'A hireling among strangers': The Brontës as Governesses.” Event starts at 7:30 p.m. BST (2:30 p.m. EST) and costs £5 ($6.50). Visit here for more information and to register. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
November 14 The Bronte Parsonage presents November’s Thursday Talk “Patrick Brontë – The Influence and Inspiration of the Father of the Brontës.” Event starts at 7:30 p.m. BST (2:30 p.m. EST) and costs £5 ($6.50). Visit here for more information and to register. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)
December 12 The Bronte Parsonage presents December’s Thursday Talk “Who was Emily Bronte.” Event starts at 7:30 p.m. BST (2:30 p.m. EST) and costs £5 ($6.50). Visit here for more information and to register. (Visit timeanddate.com to confirm time from BST to your time zone.)